He was the senior pilot training officer for a major airline, and a very nice guy; 当时,他是一家大航空公司的高级飞行教练,人非常好。
A military officer, usually a skilled technician or a helicopter pilot, intermediate in rank between a noncommissioned officer and a commissioned officer, having authority by virtue of a warrant. 军官的一种,通常为熟练技师或直升机驾驶员,军衔处于上士和少尉之间,具有委任状。
1983 Completes his frontline tour. He is described as an excellent pilot and a very promising officer by Nigel Sharkey Ward, commander of the 820 Naval Air Squadron. 1983年结束前线服役,被皇家海军航空兵第820中队指挥官尼戈尔夏奇沃德(NigelSharkeyWard)誉为一位优秀的飞行员、非常有前途的军官。